Bread slicer with slice of bread and batard Margherita sourdough pizza with nice char Midlife Slices logo stamped on a brown bag


What? Now

Things are going to start happening to me now.

It was the first Saturday, and my fledgling micro-bakery had a couple of orders lined up. Little did I know, that day would set in motion a new phase of my journey.

One of those early supporters was Nova, a chef and the owner of the renowned Thai restaurant, Ghin Khao Eat Rice , nestled in Chicago's vibrant Pilsen neighborhood. As we discussed passions and plans, Nova shared an exciting revelation - the City of Chicago had recently introduced the Cottage Food Operation(CFO) registration in January 2022. This new law opened up doors I hadn't known existed.

The CFO registration meant I could legally produce from my home while I worked building out a space at Funbricks. A Foodservice Sanitation Certificate I got a few years ago, and labels were required for registration. And you might not know it, but I'm into reading labels. My sanitation certificate is good for another year. I signed up for the class and exam before I found the 4-year-old certificate and discovered I had another year. I'm waiting to hear how I did. If I pass, I'll be double set.

Even more intriguing, I could set up pickups from a third-party private property, provided the owner’s consent. That’s where the quaint old funbricks at Pulaski and Belden come into the picture. I consent to this.

And so it keeps moving. I'm making pizza on Saturdays, DM me and I'll make you one.

Jan 22, 2025 dave