Corner entrance with door slightly open Inside corner entrance of office with view of windows


Hello Hello Ok?

An Introduction

Maybe we know each other in real life; that will be important here. And I know I’ve been away a while. Well, I’m back and going to try to build a micro–bakery out of my office. Such a Taurus1

If you know me, you already know how I am about food, and you know my name is Dave. If you didn’t know me, my name is Dave Kaplan and as a person who has grown up with allergies2 – reading labels and knowing all the ingredients in a product I plan to consume is critical to avoiding a life-threatening reaction.

Grocery shopping can be a bit different for me. Reading labels, checking ingredients, and ensuring that products are safe for me to eat take some extra time. But it's a small price to pay for peace of mind. Imagine what it's like to go out to eat or attend gatherings where food is served. I bring my own food and share. That’s not weird if you’re someone with allergies.

All that has brought me here to 2301 North Pulaski where you can come and pick up some of the bread that I’m making. I know exactly what and where the ingredients come from, and I’m only adding what’s necessary, no additives or preservatives; organic where I can and whole-grain for the health benefits. This is food made by someone that cares.

My goal is to turn ‘old funbricks’ into a nice spot on the corner. It’s going to take some time and capital, which means I’m going to be baking out of my home bakery until I can bake here. Check out the order page to place an order.

You can follow my breadscapades on Instagram. I’m a Taurus so this could happen. I have a few more breads I plan to introduce to the shop in the future, so hope you check back.

The Personality of a Taurus, Explained
Peanuts, Nuts, Eggs, Poultry, and Sesame

Sep 4, 2023 dave